
The Need for Fellowship


Since I retired, my wife and I have been visiting different churches of different denominations and very different orders of worship. We have encountered both contemporary and traditional orders of worship in these various denominations. One Sunday we visited a Pentecostal church – and believe me, there is a difference between their style and other contemporary forms! Most recently, we attended a Christian church, and as at every other time, we again tried to learn a little about their history. While talking with one of the pastors, we discovered that there are three denominations which carry the title of “Christian Church” – The Christian Church(Disciples of Christ), The Church of Christ, and the Christian Church.

As we depart following the worship services, we usually ask the pastor what we specifically can pray for them in the coming week. At this most recent visit, we found that minister had been the senior pastor for about 30 years, and following his official retirement, the Church made him their pastor for shepherding (congregational care). When we asked if he had a specific personal prayer need, his first reaction was surprise. I imagine he is not asked that very often, but after regaining composure, he smiled and answered honestly and simply. During the service it was mentioned that there had been several deaths in the church. Being the longest-term pastor, he has the relationships with many of these families. Thus, more often than not, he is the one who ministers to them at their time of need and loss. He noted that it was becoming harder to do during the pandemic. Having to wear masks, standing six feet apart, not being able to shake hands or even hug, and groups cut to a minimum were contributing to a sense of loss of support from friends that would normally be there. Basically, it made it much more difficult to be a comfort – and he felt so responsible to provide that….

Here in Georgia, there is no real total ban of Christian fellowship. We’ve had bishops and denominational leaders who have pushed the political correctness of not meeting live and in person. We’ve tried to convince ourselves that YouTube, Facebook Live, and Zoom are just as good as live and in-person worship. And even with the passage of months and gradual return to normal in other sectors, some churches in Georgia have still not opened up. In Idaho, Nevada, and California, believers are being arrested for daring to worship together. What is amazing that one can take a seat on an airplane in California and not be seated 6 feet apart, but you can’t go to church and sit next to someone in a pew. And God forbid one dares to sing praises! We begin to get a real idea of the importance of the church in Nevada when we learn that churches are dangerous but casinos are deemed necessary. Even in Georgia at the beginning of this mess, while churches were not banned but encouraged to close, liquor stores were not on any list of expected closure. The Bishop of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church recommended that churches close down for regular services, but it was OK to march in a large group protest as long as you wore a mask. The hypocrisy of this whole situation is astounding. The fear-mongering throughout this process has been controlling and intentionally so. The politicizing of science has been ludicrous.

In undergraduate school, I worked on a double major in biology and chemistry. I can remember reading in one of my genetic text books about the reason for the food shortage in the Soviet Union. Because of this, even in the middle of the Cold War, the Soviets depended on the U.S. farmers of that day for much of their food supply. During that time in history, wheat was one of our major exports, and the major country our wheat was exported to was the Soviet Union. At that point, there were three separate genetic theories on how to grow and increase wheat production. In the U.S., the farmers were free to try out methods and discover what worked the best. In the Soviet Union, only one theory gained government acceptance. It wasn’t successful – and many people starved.

We are now experiencing in our own country what took place in the Soviet Union in the 60’s and 70’s. There has been banning of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as possible treatments for the current viral illness. Real doctors on the front line who are actually treating patients have been eliminated from all media. All media – mainstream and streaming social media. Because someone who hasn’t been in a lab coat much less a research lab or medical clinic in the last 30 years, with the backing of Big Pharma and their billionaire investors, doesn’t want to lose the billions about to be scammed from this country and the rest of the world. I am not going to bore you with the science, but the fact is hydroxychloroquine does work as a preventive and as a treatment if used in the early stages of infection. The truth is there is nothing at this time that works well as a treatment when it develops into the advanced stages if the immune system does not successfully combat the disease. A friend of mine who has worked with the CDC and is familiar with SARS and other epidemics in our recent history (12-14 years) has said that when this great vaccine comes out, look at the ingredients and expect to see that the main one will be hydroxychoroquine. The difference will be that Big Pharma will be able to charge $200+ per dose instead of our using a medication that can be bought over the counter in two thirds of the world. And we hear the same thing that the citizens of the Soviet Union heard in the 60’s and 70’s – “It’s for your own good!”

Oh, WOW. That was a rabbit hole I didn’t intend to go that far down, but I guess I needed to say it. What I started out to say is that this pandemic has been used to eliminate something that is important to all humans. It is doubly important to Christians. Last couple of weekends I have been watching college football. I’m glad we have college football, I enjoy college football. I also enjoyed what is now missing, the crowds, the fans. I miss the bands, the before-game walks. These rituals are important for many people. When the camera zooms in on the stands and you see cardboard cur outs and you hear piped in crowd noise, there is something different and lessening. Well, people say, it’s the new normal…..No! It is the old lie! There are dark spiritual elements at work in our society. There are people within our government and as well as outside who want to control every aspect of our lives.

I haven’t heard anyone within the church community say anything yet, but did you know that there are new guidelines for what constitutes hate speech? Did you also know that these new guidelines which can define the Holy Scriptures as hate speech? There has been for the last several years the Anti-Christ movement to remove Jesus from everyday life. For several Christmases, there was pressure to just say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Now in some places you are not being a good citizen if you want to go to church, but you are if you go to a liquor store or a casino. Home Depot and Walmart are essential, but not corporate worship in a sanctuary. Christians have family members and friends getting extremely ill and even dying, and not just from COVID. Non- Christians have Christian family members and friends getting extremely ill and even dying. But family members are not allowed to visit, their pastor is not allowed to visit, and if there is a death only, a certain number can attend the funeral. Most funerals are not being held in chapels or sanctuaries, and many are being conducted only as grave-side services. For an old country boy like myself, it’s a return to the old normal of my youth, just the graveside service, but with the lack of physical support. The neighbors and church family bringing in enough food to feed the grieving family for a month. The physical presence of a friend, not saying words of wisdom but just being present, and not thinking that they are breaking some presidential mandate if they stay a little longer. The comfort of a firm handshake and a strong meaningful hug. The touch of a pastor as he or she prays for the sick or the family of the departed.

At a time when we need the presence of Jesus the most, we are being told, “No, you need science more.” At a time when we need to stand on the Authority and Power of God’s Word, we are cautioned by our church leaders that not all the Bible is authoritative, and some of it may be hateful. At a time when we need fellowship with other believers so that we know we are not alone, so that we don’t have the Elijah syndrome – where we can look one another in the eye and say, “I believe” and hear someone else say, “I believe, also” – we are told, “Hey, there is YouTube, Facebook live, TBN, and other websites. Go there”, all the while knowing that the powers controlling YouTube and Facebook generate their authority in woke media and the cancel culture. And once we become accustomed to their new normal, the powers that be can then gain control or cancel TBN and even our own websites. There is a big reason that Apostle Paul tells us in Hebrews 10:23-25, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, NOT FORSAKING THE ASSEMBLING OF OURSELVES TOGETHER, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the Day approaching.”

Paul is expounding a great truth here. TV and computer screens do not and will not cut it in the long haul. To stir up agape love, there has to be fellowship. To actually bring forth good works, there has to be fellowship. Because it is only in fellowship that we are able to strengthen and be strengthened. It is only in fellowship that we are able to edify and be edified. It is only in fellowship that we are able to exhort and lift up while also being exhorted and lifted up. “The Day approaching” to which Paul refers is exactly like the times we are living in now.

WAKE UP, CHURCH! The woke media and the cancel culture has us in the cross hairs at this very moment. But we do have a choice: fear or power The world is bombarding us with fear, but we have access to POWER. There is POWER in the NAME OF JESUS! There is POWER in the AUTHORITY OF THE WORD. There is POWER when we choose to ASSEMBLE TOGETHER in FELLOWSHIP! It’s OUR choice.


The Dap

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If you are having trouble with fear pray PSALM 91 in the first person and claim it for yourself.

302 replies on “The Need for Fellowship”

Thank you for visiting. Hope you will return again and again and explore the whole site. Please share with your friends. 2021 is going to be an amazing year on the site.
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Thank you for visiting. Hope you will return again and again, and share with your friends. 2021 is going to be an amazing year for the site.
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Thank you for visiting and for the kind words. Hope you will want to return again and again, and share with your friends. 2021 is going to be an exciting year for the site. The Dap

Thank you for visiting. Hope you will return again and again, and also share with your friends. 2021 is going to be an exciting year for the site.
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Thank you for visiting. Hope that you were blessed. Please come back again and again, and share with your friends. 2021 will be an amazing year for the site.
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Thank you for visiting. As I shared with another person who expressed a similar opinion, my only desire is to be in agreement with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I hope that you will want to return again and again. Please share with your friends. Will be posting in 2021 a lot of new material.
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Thank you for visiting and thank you for the kind words. Hope you visit often and explore the whole web site. Please share with your friends.
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Thank you for visiting and for the kind words. Hope you come back often and share with your friends. 2021 will be an amazing year for the site.
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Basil Gonzales is a very interesting gentleman. Thank you for visiting. Please come back and share with your friends.
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Thank you for visiting. Please continue to visit and please share with your friends. Please look beyond the home page, there is a lot to be read and heard.
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Thank you for visiting. Please continue to visit and please share with your friends. I hope you have much success with your web site.
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Thank you for visiting. Also thank you for sharing it. Please continue to visit, I am gearing up for the new year.
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Thank you for visiting. I’m glad you got beyond the home page. Please continue to visit and also please share with your friends.
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Thank you for visiting. Please continue to visit and share it with your friends. There are many truthful teachings posted. Please look beyond the blog.
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Thank you for your input. I have heard of some difficulties with foxfire and chrome. I am roadkill on the hi-tech highway, so I’m working with my web builder to try and get this worked out. Thank you again and please keep visiting. Share with your friends if you would.
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Sorry I didn’t understand your comment. Hope you were blessed. Please come back again and share with your friends.
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No sure what you meant by your comment. Hope you were blessed. Please visit again and share with your friends.
The Dap



六七千年前的先民就開始釣魚。周文王曾和兒子們在靈沼釣魚取樂。戰國時范蠡也愛釣魚,常把所釣之魚供給越王勾踐食用。 二十世紀八十年代,中國大陸的各級釣魚協會成立,釣魚地點也從自然水域向養殖水域過度,所釣之魚則從粗養向細養過度。人數增多、水體污染及濫捕濫撈導致釣魚難度上升。釣魚協會開始與漁民和農民簽訂文件,使更多釣者能夠在養殖水域釣魚,達到了雙贏的目的。 二十世紀九十年代初,來自台灣的懸釣法走紅大陸,各地開始建造標準釣池。 二十世紀末,發達國家的釣者提倡回顧自然,引發新一輪野釣戰,而中國的釣者則更青睞精養魚池。]







Sorry, I have no understanding of your language. Wish I had a way to translate it, but I don’t. You appear to have put a great deal of thought into it. Thank you for visiting the sit. Hope you will visit again and share with your friends. If you could comment next time in english I would love to communicate with you.
The Dap

Myrlene, Thank You for visiting the site. I hope you received what you were looking for from the Lord. Please return again and again and share with your friends. Take advantage of all the pages of the site. I have a weekly bible study which I post an addition to each week, usually on Monday or Tuesday. I try to upload two blogs each week. At this time my blogs are a series on, “What Is a Disciple?” It will be followed up by a series on Prayer. Please come back and again, Thank You for visiting.
The Dap

Samara, apparently from your comment this is not your first time to visit the site. Thank you for visiting again. Yours is the first negative comment I have received concerning this Blog. From comments received it is the most read blog. I am sorry it did not appeal to you, but what I wrote I was led by the Holy Spirit to write. There is a lot of good information on this site and I hope you will come back and read or listen to it all on all the pages. I will be adding a new installment to the bible study each week. I call it Monday Night Bible Study although sometimes it is Tuesday before I get it uploaded. I am doing a series on my Blog on What Is a Disciple? This will followed by a series on prayer. My calling is to teach in order to help people come to a powerful personal saving relationship with there Father God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please come back again and again, I believe you will find something else to like. Thank You again for visiting.
The Dap

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Thank you for visiting My site. You are absolutely right about the banks. This is how they lure more people into greater debt. People who are already suffering from no control take advantage with the thought I will do better. But without changing their life style and thought processes they just dig a deeper debt hole. I hope you will continue to follow my blogs. I am posting a series called, “What Is a Disciple?” This will be followed by a series on prayer. I am also writing a study on the book of revelation, I upload an addition each week. Please return often and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Tim: Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. It’s not the place but I would look at you tube, on the net and at small pay as you print publishing companies. These should be able to lead you to ghost writers. Again. thanks for visiting.
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Thank you for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Check You Tube, the net and small pay as you go publishing companies. They would be your best bet for ghost writers. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. For ghost writers check You Tube, the net and small pay as you print publishing companies. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. I’ve seen ghost writers advertised on You Tube and I’m sure you can find a site on the web. Also these small publishing companies who you pay to publish your book I’m sure have access to them. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. I have no idea where to look for professional writers. I have seen ads on You Tube for ghost writers, maybe check there. There should be something on the net somewhere. Sometimes these small publishers who you pay to publish your book have access to them. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. I try to upload a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to upload a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. I try to upload a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends.
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Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. I try to upload a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and continue to share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Buy: Thank you for you kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
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Over: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Thank you for sharing with your family and friends. Please return often and continue to explore the site. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Best: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often and continue to explore my site. I hope you will continue to share with those within your community. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Epi: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a new blog and an addition to my bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Hypothy: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a blog and a bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

I wanted to compose a comment in order to appreciate you for all of the awesome facts you are giving at this site. My extended internet investigation has at the end been compensated with beneficial content to exchange with my close friends. I ‘d assert that many of us readers actually are extremely blessed to be in a fabulous community with many awesome individuals with beneficial concepts. I feel extremely blessed to have come across the site and look forward to many more awesome minutes reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things. best prescription drugs for bronchitis

Best: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. Also thank you for sharing this site with your friends. I hope you will return often and explore the site completely. I try to post a blog and a bible study each week. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Hypo: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to upload a blog and a bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Johnathan: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a blog and a bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. I don’t know if you meant to put an LOL after your remark about the length of the post or not. Most people want me to condense. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Leslie: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I try to post a blog and a bible study each week. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends.
The Dap

Winnie: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. I try to post a blog and a bible study each week. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Adam: Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. I try to upload a blog and a bible study each week. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Clifford: Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Please do come back often, explore the site and share with your friends. I try to upload a blog and a bible study each week. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Karen: Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Also thank you for sharing it with your friend, and please share with more of your friends. I hope you will return often and explore the site more deeply. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Martin: Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. Also thank you for sharing with your social networks. Please return often and explore the site. I try to upload a bible study and a blog each week. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Thank you for your kind words and thank you for visiting my site. I hope you will continue to follow the study, I try to upload an addition each week. Yet I have been negligent the last few weeks. Please return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

Ayak: Thank you for your kind words and for visiting my site. I hope you will return often, explore the site and share with your friends. Pray for me that I will get back in the saddle and start writing again. I’ve gotten lazy. Again, thank you for visiting.
The Dap

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Albert: It is my design. It is taken from the portrait of John Wesley preaching on his fathers headstone at Epworth Church England. He and his brother Charles were not allowed to preach in the Anglican Church of their day, even though they were fully ordained Anglican priests. They believed in the primacy of scripture and the power the the Holy Spirit. They believed that salvation came through the Grace of God through faith in the finished work of His Son Jesus the Christ. That is the same boat I find myself in with the Methodist Church. I identify with the image. Thank you for visiting my site. Please return often and share with your friends.
The Dap

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Sorry, half naked and naked chicks and stupid stuff is not my thing. My content is great for someone who want to learn and grow and develop a relationship with their Father God, which can only be had through the finished work of Jesus the Christ. I’m plain and clear on the home page what I’m about. Thank you for visiting and have a good day.
the Dap

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I’m looking to start my own blog soon but I’m having a tough time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
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and I’m looking for something unique. P.S My apologies for being off-topic but I
had to ask!

I use WordPress. So far it works well for me. I’m not looking to get real technical with high graphics and all. You need to base which platform on how Hi Tech you want to be.
The Dap

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I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Thanks for great information I was looking for this information for my mission.

With havin so much written content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism
or copyright infringement? My blog has a lot of unique content I’ve either
authored myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over the
web without my permission. Do you know any solutions to help reduce content
from being ripped off? I’d really appreciate it.

All my stuff is original. A few people have asked my permission to use my stuff with proper reference. I don’t know if any or how much has been stolen. First I am just trying to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, so the more it is out there I hope that work is being accomplished. If I ever decide to put the work together for an e-book or something, I have my posting date. All I can do is trust the Lord, it is all His work anyway.

Hey would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with? I’m going to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a tough time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S My apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

It is according to what you want to accomplish with your blog. I use WordPress because it is easy for a person like me who is as my son says, “Road kill on the Hi-Tech highway,” and is affordable. So far it does all I want to do. If you want to get a little crazy, you may need to research one of the others. It is all in what you want to do. Define your purpose first, them research which one fits your purpose.
The Dap

on my separate comment page you will find my gmail address. You can communicate with me that way.

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